A Prayer
hsiang January 27th, 2011
Father. Thank you again for all you have done in my life so far. Although I know that not all of it has been pleasant, I know that all of it has been Good. For you are Good, and nothing else.
I’m constantly reminded of life’s struggles, and of the toil that all of us on earth go through. I can’t wait for you to come again to take all this away, but at the same time, I know that you have put all these on earth to provide us with a constant reminder that all things come from you and that all things must come through you. As sinners, we constantly forget this and it is only through the struggle we are reminded of a great, powerful and al-mighty God.
So, my Lord, I thank you for the struggles. I only ask that you pull me through them, as you always have, shining your light when the darkest hour seems to strike, my chivalrous knight in steely armour and my rock in turbulent times.
Only you know what goes through my heart in these times about my family who are struggling at home. I have not been a good son. I feel guilty that I am enjoying myself. I feel guilty that I am able to earn money and they cannot. I feel helpless that I am unable to provide support, both monetarily and by my presence. Lord, how should I proceed? I pray on all these things and for your wisdom and guidance in your son’s most holy and precious name, amen.